Make Pro Songs
The #1 Audio Engineering Membership For Turning Your Mixes Into Professional Songs

Limited Seats

Aspiring Indie Bands

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When you are an aspiring indie band, there are a lot of things to consider. You may have spent a lot of time hammering out your songs and getting gigs at local places, but now you want to take the next step and try to record your music. It can be extremely frustrating to spend hours writing and recording your music just to end up with a result that you are not 100% proud of. With CD mastering services, you can ensure that the quality of your recording is professional, so that when you put your music out there, you get the exposure you want and the sound that represents you as an artist.

Indie music is really popular right now, and with new tools like social media, there are a lot of ways to get your music noticed. is a great tool for artists starting out as well as those that are established to share their music to the online community. It allows you to create an artist profile and upload songs and pictures for people to see and hear what you're all about. Another great feature is the comment section on your page which allows communication between you and your fans. This is a great site to spread your music to the world and create a name for yourself. One of the best parts of purevolume is that its basic package is free! Before posting your music online it is best to have the highest fidelity music possible. If you have recorded some songs and just don’t have the equipment necessary to really master your music, you may end up with a finished sound that is less than perfect. Rough songs can be good sometimes, but if everything that you have sounds unpolished, chances are you will not be gaining a fan base or possibly landing a record deal, even an indie one – that’s where mastering can help.

With CD mastering services, you can ensure that the quality of your sound is sharp and balanced correctly, so that people sit up and pay attention when they hear your music. Indie music is a smaller scene than mainstream and the audience that you are aiming for tends to be a little more discerning in their tastes. An overproduced album is just as likely to annoy your potential fan base as an under produced one, so it is very important to maintain the proper balance.

Sage Audio's CD mastering services allow your indie band to get the quality of sound that you need to attract a solid fan base.

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So, Why A Membership?

Let’s face it — trying to create professional mixes without the correct knowledge, tools, services, and network is like playing a concert with a broken instrument to an audience of no one.

That’s where the Sage Audio membership comes in — the membership gives you everything you need to create professional mixes consistently.

The membership is the secret to your success — it’s the difference between the 1,929,999,999 of poor-sounding mixes and the .00000002% of mixes that make people say 'WOW!"

There are 7 unique value-points included in your Sage Audio membership.

Let’s go over each one so you can decide if the membership is right for you.

1. Sage Audio University

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2. Private 1-on-1 Mentorship

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3. Unlimited Mixing Feedback

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4. 50 Free Mastered Songs Per Year

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5. Community

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6. 70+ GB of Curated Sage Audio Downloadable Content

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7. 800+ Video Catalog

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Make Pro Songs
The #1 Audio Engineering Membership For Turning Your Mixes Into Professional Songs

Limited Seats