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Emerging Studio Technology: Jam with Chrome, Native Instruments, Audiofile

Welcome once again to Sage Audio’s Emerging Studio Technology blog series. This semi-regular series takes a look at the latest and greatest (and sometimes not so greatest) gadgets and technologies for studios. Some of the things we cover are designed specifically for home studio recording, while other technology may fit better in our own CD mastering studio. But most components can be of use to many engineers, producers and musicians – if it’s new and related to recording or mastering studios, you’ll find it here.

Jam with Chrome

web app

What we have here is a web app that allows you to play pretty much any instrument either with your mouse or your computer keyboard, all from the comfort of your own browser. Want some stereo delay on your drums or chorus on your acoustic guitar, they’ve got effects for that.

To make it even more addictive, you can even invite your friends to play with you online. Now, while I’m under the impression that this is just a huge ad for Google, that doesn’t mean it’s not pretty awesome – at least for an afternoon.

Native Instruments – Session Horns

If you’re using MIDI controlled instruments in your home studio, you may be aware of Native Instruments, as they make some pretty awesome virtual instruments (including an awesome Hammond B3 sounding organ). Now they’re back with Session Horns.

As you’re probably aware, horns are pretty difficult to make sound good through MIDI controls, but a quick listen to some of the samples on the Native Instruments website reveals they seem to have come up with a pretty good virtual version.

Audiofile – Triumph

Finally, a product that is closer to our ‘mastering’ hearts. Triumph is an audio file editor that has very advanced features while remaining simple to use. Perhaps best of all, it is relatively inexpensive, with a regular price right around 80 bucks.

Triumph is trumpeted as the next step up from Audiofile’s previous editor, the appropriately named Wave Editor. Triumph’s official website has this to say about the new product special:

Triumph features a unique and patented method for editing audio called Layers. This technique which we pioneered in Wave Editor is similar to image editing, but specifically tailored for audio. The Layers method is a truly innovative way to create combinations of sounds and saves time by keeping everything live and editable until the final product.

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Make Pro Songs
The #1 Audio Engineering Membership For Turning Your Mixes Into Professional Songs

Limited Seats