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Emerging Studio Technology: Radial Tossover, MicroAC, Marshall Major 50 FX

Welcome once again to Sage Audio’s Emerging Studio Technology blog series. This semi-regular series takes a look at the latest and greatest (and sometimes not so greatest) gadgets and technologies for studios. Some of the things we cover are designed specifically for home studio recording, while other technology may fit better in our own CD mastering studio. But most components can be of use to many engineers, producers and musicians – if it’s new and related to recording or mastering studios, you’ll find it here.

Radial Engineering – Tossover

Radial Engineering

If you will, please allow us to indulge our inner EQ geekdom for just a moment. If you've followed the Emerging Technology series here on the Sage Audio mastering blog in the past, then you've probably noticed that we're a pretty big fan of Radial projects, and the newest one that has gotten us excited is the Tossover.

The Tossover is a module designed to be used with one of Radial's 500 series racks, and it allows you to divide the frequency bands of an audio signal. What does this mean? You can process the lows and highs of an audio signal separately. And that's often a pretty handy piece of functionality. The module also allows you to combine the lows and the highs to create a band-pass filter.



This is a simple little app that allows you to convert batch audio files quickly and easily. The minimalist design makes the app easy to use, and you can choose between nine different audio types. The app is only available for Mac OS and is currently three bucks in the Mac App Store.

Marshall – Major 50 FX Headphones

OK, so I haven't gotten to use these headphones, so I don't have too much to say about the quality, but I think it is safe to say that I know a ton of people that would love to see a set of these show up in their pile of holiday gifts.

The Marshall Major 50 FX headphones celebrate the 50th anniversary of the famed amp company, and everything about the look of these cans screams “tone” almost as loudly as a Marshall Plexi does. In addition to the classic logo inscribed in gold trim, the headband is made of the same vinyl used in the famous amps themselves. Inside the ear caps, there's even the same fret detailing Marshall has been using on its 50th anniversary line of amps.


But enough about the looks – even the sound is classic Marshall. The company says that the headphones bring “the stage directly to your ears... the major 50 FX pays homage to the massive Marshall legacy with its punchy lows, clear mid-tones and higher-than-human highs.” The headphones also come with a canvas carrying case and have a volume control on the cord similar to the one on the current Apple earbuds – but this volume control only works on Apple products.

So who's getting me a pair of these!?

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Make Pro Songs
The #1 Audio Engineering Membership For Turning Your Mixes Into Professional Songs

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