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Inside the Recording Studio: the Rolling Stones, Alicia Keys and French Montana

Sage Audio’s semi-regular video series Inside the Recording Studio is only two installments old as of this publishing, but already we’ve started to branch out just a bit. Though we do see Alicia Keys and French Montana inside a recording studio, the two spend the majority of their time speaking about the writing of the songs they are recording. The Rolling Stones don’t actually even visit the studio in their video, but the new footage of the now 50-year-old group is nonetheless captivating.

Suffice it to say, we love getting inside looks at artists and their creative process. Sometimes that means watching a CD mastering producer tweak knobs in a studio, and sometimes that means watching French Montana rap a cappella in a hallway.

Alicia Keys – “Girl on Fire”

On his 2006 album Modern Times, Bob Dylan made a somewhat perplexing statement: “I’m wondering where in the world Alicia Keys could be/I’ve been looking for her even clear through Tennessee.” Well, I doubt anyone will ever know what sparked Dylan’s sudden interest in a young R&B singer, but if he’s still looking, he can find her in the studio.

The New York Times recently shot video of Keys in studio, describing the creation of her song “Girl on Fire,” which is the title track of her fifth studio album. Keys talks briefly about the recording of the song, which in the video takes the form of a tour of a studio complete with all kinds of great keyboards.

First of all, check out that amazing piano she is playing. Also, I spotted both a Wurlitzer and a Fender Rhodes in the studio – a keyboard player’s paradise.

The only bad part? The New York Times doesn’t allow embedding for the video, so you’ll have to go to their website to check it out.

The Rolling Stones – “Charlie is My Darling”

Right off the bat, this documentary easily wins the title of best Rolling Stones documentary title. The film, which is produced to help celebrate the band’s 50th anniversary, shows the young Stones on a short tour of Ireland in 1965. This clip is a trailer of the doc, put together from footage by Peter Whitehead. The film has and will have several screenings around the world, but will be released on DVD on November 6.

French Montana – “Stay Schemin’”

This video is called “Decoded: French Montana “Stay Schemin’,” and it comes from Jay-Z’s new YouTube channel, lifeandtimes. In the video, we watch clips of Montana rapping the song a cappella in a hallway, interspersed with video of him in a recording studio discussing the lyrics of the song.

The YouTube channel also live streamed the final concert from Jay’s residency at Brooklyn’s new Barclay’s Center. If these two videos are any indication, lifeandtimes is definitely a channel to subscribe to.

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Make Pro Songs

There are 8 unique value-points inside the Sage Audio membership, so let’s go over each one so you can decide if it’s the right fit for you.

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Make Pro Songs
The proven platform for making your mixes sound like professional songs,
even if you have no previous experience.

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