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Strategies for How to Market your Facebook Band Page

The steps for actually starting a Facebook band page are extremely straight forward, and you’ll have your new page up in a matter of minutes. Leveraging that page to actually spread the word about your music on the world’s largest social network, however, will take a bit more time.

Here, we at the Sage Audio mastering blog want to provide some tips on how to make your page useful for fans, and we will show you how to purchase twitter followers among so many other pages. Facebook is not only the largest social network, it’s the second most-visited website in the world, second only to Google. While it can be a great tool to inform fans about your music, it can be very hard to be found on the site.

The Facebook Marketing Dilemma

Strategies to market facebook

After you’ve set up your band page (after going to, click the link to “Create a Page for a celebrity, band or business” and then follow the step by step instructions), it’s time to begin marketing your page.

One of the things artists and marketers have been struggling with on Facebook for years is the fact that the company often changes its algorithm that decides what information viewers see in their news feed. This can mean that the content you are posting is not being seen by your fans, even the ones that already “Like” you on Facebook.

To help overcome this problem, there are a few things you can do from the moment you create your page.

Engage Your Audience

The most important thing you can do on Facebook is to engage your audience, to make your page a destination that fans want to come to and interact with you as an artist as well as other fans. For better or worse, the days of the “mysterious” rock star are over in today’s wired and well-connected world, and fans expect access to their favorite musicians.

Exactly how you create this engagement will vary from artist to artist, but the best advice is to find a way to establish a distinctive “personality” online and to provide content that fans will want to view, listen to and comment on.

What Kind of Content Should You Post

Anything you post on Facebook is your content. From a backstage photo to a song to a favorite quote; anything you share with your fans is building your content.

You’ll want the aforementioned personality to be reflective of you and/or your band, so most artists find it best to posts what interests them -- typically these kind of posts are the same that will interest your fans, creating that engagement.

The real lesson to learn here is not what kind of content to post (you’ll figure that out as you go), but the fact that you should continually update your page. Creating a page, adding a quickly thrown together bio and never visiting it again will do you almost no good.

In addition to posting content, you want to be part of the engagement. Respond to fans, ask them questions, anything that will start and continue conversations will help not only build the engagement on your page, but also increase the reach of the page -- the number of people that aren’t (yet) fans that will see your content.

How to Post Songs on Facebook

Finally, we have something of a sore subject with many musicians -- how to post songs on Facebook. Since facebook doesn’t have an integrated music player, you must post your songs through a third party site.

Many sites provide apps that allow you to post one or multiple songs to your page so fans can stream on demand. These include ReverbNation, BandCamp, SoundCloud and RootMusic, though there are others. All have similar ease of use, so the choice really comes down to your preference and where you want your music shared elsewhere on the internet.

Even if you have your music available for on demand streaming, you may also want to post songs to your timeline as well, which will likely show up on your fans news feeds. You’ll want to refrain from doing this so much that it becomes annoying to your fans, but instead treat it as a way to offer your fans some free music. These posts can come from any of the above services, or also somewhere like YouTube. This also creates great opportunities to share music and experiences your fans wouldn’t get otherwise -- such as an alternate take, a behind the scenes video or a demo of a new song.

Additionally, if you have a CDBaby account, you also can use your Facebook page to sell your music.

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Make Pro Songs
The #1 Audio Engineering Membership For Turning Your Mixes Into Professional Songs

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