Make Pro Songs
The proven platform for making your mixes sound like professional songs,
even if you have no previous experience.

The Networking Game


In order to make connections you need to show up. So, put yourself in positions where meeting the right people becomes a possibility. Often it’s your fellow musicians that will be your best connections. The people that have gone ahead of you will have worked with these key people in the industry. They will know music lawyers, booking agents, publishing companies, and more. They could also have insight on who best to approach or work with.

Although Social media is now the most common form of networking , if you want to create authentic connections, meeting others face-to-face is still the most influential way of taking essential relationships to the next level in the music industry. One of the best ways to do this is to get involved in your local music community. Here are some examples of what you should research and actively pursue in your area:

Make sure you save all contacts you receive. Try and keep all contacts in an organized and safe spot.You might need this information to refer someone else or to use years down the road. Not all connections will have results but the more you engage, the more chances you have. However, when you ARE there and ready, use discretion when approaching others to network. Be aware of the following before boldly putting your music in someone’s hands.


These DON’T'S probably speak for themselves, but being aware of your demeanor around relationships you want to build in the industry can speak volumes. Try to stay confident and bold without looking too eager and overstepping boundaries. If the conversation moves toward them sharing their contacts with you, ensure them that you are the privacy of their contacts and you won't compromise that. Don't rush the conversation, be authentic, and be aware of the right moment in the conversation to ask them for what you'd like or give them your details

Give Before Expecting To Receive!

It may sound like an age-old proverb but it works. Relationships that are mutually beneficial in the music industry tend to grow and last longer. Ask yourself what's in it for them? Think twice when you approach someone to make a connection. No one likes a relationship that is based on one sided favors. Don't expect people to help you out for nothing. Approaching the conversation with how you can best aid them dispels any impression that you're only interested in yourself.

Use Social Media!

Once you've set up your social media outlets such as Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, or YouTube start engaging with people who are at a similar level of musical career in life. This will help you learn and grow in the industry as well as aid conversations to continue. Make sure you contribute to their conversations and carry on interacting with them. This can happen by not only giving your opinions and answering questions, but starting your own thread of conversation and questions for them to engage with.

Remember that even online social media is all about relationship building so be aware again of how you "ACT" online.

Follow Up!

After connecting and keeping their information, be the first to follow up. Even with the best intentions, people can easily forget. We all know how busy people are, and in situations such as concerts or events you may be one of many people that person about that night. If you had a conversation where you were anticipating a future meeting take the initiative and restart the conversation.

Again, make sure you approach this remembering our previous Don'ts!

Don't be a kiss up ... don't be pushy.... don't make the person feel awkward.

Gently restart the conversation and mention why you look forward to meeting up.

For more insight on tips for Musicians, check out our website

Sage Audio Membership

Make Pro Songs

There are 8 unique value-points inside the Sage Audio membership, so let’s go over each one so you can decide if it’s the right fit for you.

1. 50 Free Mastered Songs Per Year

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2. 1-on-1 Mentorship

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3. Unlimited Mixing Feedback

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4. Sage Audio University™ (SAU) — (Mixing and Mastering Education Platform)

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5. Mixing and Mastering Competitions

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6. Community

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7. 70+ GB of Curated Sage Audio Downloadable Content, Including:

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8. 700+ Video Catalog

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Make Pro Songs
The proven platform for making your mixes sound like professional songs,
even if you have no previous experience.