Make Pro Songs
The #1 Audio Engineering Membership For Turning Your Mixes Into Professional Songs

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Three Publications for Recording, Mixing & Mastering

If you want to continue to learn more and more about the craft of recording and producing music, magazines are a great place to start. Between gear reviews, tips and interviews with top producers in the music business, there’s almost always something you can find to expand your skills and understanding.

Here are three top publications about recording, mixing and mastering you should check out.

Tape Op

Tape Op magazine just recently hit its 100th issue and featured a primer on British recording legend Joe Meek and a killer article on the future of the production industry technology. (Hint: think Minority Report meets a virtual reality studio.)

A new issue is put out every two months and usually has a nice variety of content: gear reviews, artist interviews, recording tips… If that doesn’t pique your interest how about the fact that subscriptions are FREE. Seriously, if you live in the US they will mail a print edition at no cost. How can you pass that up?

Sound On Sound

Sound On Sound consistently publishes some of the most in-depth gear reviews you can find. In addition to that, they’ve got a ton of great content on mixing and mastering tips as well as recording techniques. A recurring gem is their “Inside Track” series that gives you an in-depth interview from the producer of a hit song about how he recording and mixed the track. It’s the next best thing to being a fly on the wall in one of the world’s top studios.

New editions come out monthly and subscriptions cost between $36 and $85 depending on how you want your content delivered (print, web, tablet or combinations thereof.) While it’s a bit pricier you certainly get your money’s worth.

Electronic Musician

Published monthly, Electronic Musician is geared toward indie artists. With accessible articles on recording techniques and artist interviews, it’s easy to find something practical that will enhance your studio chops. You can also get a print + digital subscription for under $30.

The recording industry isn’t rapidly changing. It’s in warp speed. Technology has launched us into an era where production, promotion and distribution can be done with a laptop. The only certainty right now is that it will continue to transform as technology allows. One of the best ways to keep up with the pace is reading magazines like the ones recommended above. The tips and knowledge you’ll gain will be invaluable.

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So, Why A Membership?

Let’s face it — trying to create professional mixes without the correct knowledge, tools, services, and network is like playing a concert with a broken instrument to an audience of no one.

That’s where the Sage Audio membership comes in — the membership gives you everything you need to create professional mixes consistently.

The membership is the secret to your success — it’s the difference between the 1,929,999,999 of poor-sounding mixes and the .00000002% of mixes that make people say 'WOW!"

There are 7 unique value-points included in your Sage Audio membership.

Let’s go over each one so you can decide if the membership is right for you.

1. Sage Audio University

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3. Unlimited Mixing Feedback

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4. 50 Free Mastered Songs Per Year

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6. 70+ GB of Curated Sage Audio Downloadable Content

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7. 800+ Video Catalog

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Make Pro Songs
The #1 Audio Engineering Membership For Turning Your Mixes Into Professional Songs

Limited Seats