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How to Prepare Your Mix for Mastering

Quick Answer

When preparing a mix for mastering, your output should be peaking around -3dBTP without the use of limiters, excessive bus compression, or any other form of mastering used on the mix. Additionally, it’s best to export your mix with the same sampling rate and bit depth as the original recording.

How to Prepare Your Mix for Mastering in Detail

Preparing a mix for mastering is one of the most important aspects of mixing in general. Of course, it’s important to create an impressive and creative mix, but all of that effort may be wasted if the mix isn’t properly prepared for the mastering process.

That’s why mixing engineers need to understand, at least in part, what occurs during mastering and how to optimize a mix for that process.

When finalizing your mix, you'll need to keep mastering in mind.

When finalizing your mix, you'll need to keep mastering in mind.

With that said, we’ll cover how to prepare a mix for mastering, including the levels your mix should be peaking at. We’ll also discuss what processing, if any, should be used on your master output.

Furthermore, we’ll consider the ramifications of mixing with a limiter on your master output to “hear how it will sound mastered” - and discuss why this may result in a worse sounding mix. Additionally, we’ll cover the settings that you should use when exporting your mix.

Lastly, we’ll listen to a mix that’s correctly prepared for mastering, as well as one that’s incorrectly prepared for mastering (in the video embedded above) to get a better understanding of the two mix types.

If you have a mix that you’d like to hear mastered, send it to us here:

Get a Free Mastered Sample of your Mix

We’ll master it for you and send you a free sample for you to review.

What Should the Loudest Peak of My Mix Be?

When preparing a mix for mastering, your loudest peak should be between -6dBTP and -3dBTP - this provides the mastering engineer with enough headroom for their processing. It also uses the majority of the available bit depth of the recording, in turn, utilizing the majority of the dynamic range.

Your maximum peak should be between -6dBTP and -3dBTP.

Your maximum peak should be between -6dBTP and -3dBTP.

Let’s break this down a little more and explain some of the more fundamental details of the headroom in a digital system.

When processing a signal in a DAW or digital audio workstation, 0dB is the loudest a signal can be before clipping distortion occurs.

0dB is the max level in a digital system.

0dB is the max level in a digital system.

The reason being, the bit depth of a recording determines how many bits can be used - when the signal is louder, more bits are being used, when it’s quieter, fewer bits are being used.

That said, 0dB or unity represents the maximum number of bits that can be used or the highest available positive value for the signal. Think of this level as a ceiling, of which the signal cannot pass or become greater than - if you try to push the signal past this point, the waveform will distort.

Once the signal hits 0dB, it will begin to distort.

Once the signal hits 0dB, it will begin to distort.

This distortion will cause unpleasant sounding harmonics which will greatly change the tone and timbre of your mix. That said, it can easily cause a lot of harm to your mix quickly, so be sure that you’re mix is not clipping - especially at the stereo output.

Clipping distortion causes unpleasant sounding harmonics.

Clipping distortion causes unpleasant sounding harmonics.

By leaving -6dBTP to -3dBTP of headroom , you’re using a fair amount of the possible bits while leaving enough space for a mastering engineer to work.

If you’d like to learn more about headroom, check out our video and blog post on the topic:

What is Headroom for Mastering?

In it, we cover how headroom affects mastering, as well as some of the settings you should use when measuring your mix’s headroom.

Why is it Important to “Use as Many Bits” as Possible?

You may have heard the phrase “use as many bits as possible”, and wondered what it means exactly. Essentially, it means that if your signal peaks at a higher level, then it is utilizing more of the available dynamic range.

The higher your signal peaks, the more of the available dynamic range it can take advantage of.

The higher your signal peaks, the more of the available dynamic range it can take advantage of.

In a 24-bit recording, you have 144dB of available dynamic range. The closer your signal peaks to 0dB, the more of this range it can utilize.

The phrase “use as many bits as possible” comes from this idea, as the greater the amplitude is in a digital system, the more bits are being used.

That said, we recommend your signal peaks around -3dBTP, as this utilizes the majority of this range while still leaving enough headroom for a mastering engineer.

The higher the level, the more bits are being used.

The higher the level, the more bits are being used.

To follow this thought, if your mix peaked at say, -20dBTP , then you’ve in turn utilized about 17dB less of your potential dynamic range . Granted, this won’t make a huge difference in the long run, but these types of small details do add up and can cause a perceivable difference.

How Should I Measure the Peak of My Signal?

If setting the peak of your signal is important, then the metric you use to measure your signal is equally important. That’s why we recommend using dBTP or dB True Peak to measure your signal. By measuring your signal with dBTP you take inter-sample peaking into account.

You should measure your stereo output in dBTP.

You should measure your stereo output in dBTP.

Inter-sample peaking becomes more important the closer your signal comes to clipping; however, it’s still a valuable metric to use when trying to prepare your mix for mastering. Having your signal peak at -3dBTP ensures that the mastering engineer will have a full 3dB of headroom.

If you use a regular peak meter, odds are the value that the meter shows you will be slightly less than the signal’s actual peak.

A stock dBTP meter typically comes standard with any DAW.

A stock dBTP meter typically comes standard with any DAW.

Again, this is more important when the difference between the True Peak value and the Peak value can cause clipping. But, it's good to know the actual value of your peaks when mixing.

If you have a mix that you’re preparing to export, and you’d like to hear it professionally mastered, send it to us here:

Get a Free Mastered Sample of your Mix

We’ll master it for you and send you a free sample for you to review.

Should I Use Any Plugins or Processing on the Master Output?

You can use some light compression and equalization on your master output - but only if it’s used in a controlled and subtle way. Too much processing on your master output will impede a mastering engineer’s ability to process your mix and make it sound as good as possible.

Some light compression and EQ is okay to use on your master output.

Some light compression and EQ is okay to use on your master output.

One of the biggest mistakes a mixing engineer can make is using aggressive processing on the master output. A lot of engineers stick by their decision to use mastering-based processing on their mixes, regardless of what mastering engineer’s request.

However, the fact that your mix doesn’t sound like a master is a good thing - whereas the lack of sounding finished may be cause for concern for some mixing engineers, in truth, your mix shouldn’t sound finished like a finished master.

You mix should not sound like a finished master.

You mix should not sound like a finished master.

The reason behind sending your mix to a mastering engineer isn’t simply to add mastering-based processing; the main reason you send your mix off to mastering is to have another professional review and interpret your mix.

The role of mastering is to finalize a mix, and determine what errors exist and how to fix them - if you’re the one that created the mix, how will you be able to objectively recognize errors in the mix?

Allow a mastering engineer to interpret and augment your mix.

Allow a mastering engineer to interpret and augment your mix.

All of this to say, you shouldn’t use excessive or aggressive processing on your master output, or on your instrument busses. There are some exceptions to this, but they’re few and far between.

Some examples of excessive processing that you shouldn’t use on your mix’s output are:

These types of plugins shouldn't be used on your stereo output - especially not in any excessive or aggressive way.

These types of plugins shouldn't be used on your stereo output - especially not in any excessive or aggressive way.

If you’re in doubt about whether or not you should use a form of processing on your master output, odds are it’s best not to use it.

If you want some free plugins that you can use for mixing, take a look at the video below:

This video showcases the best free plugins we could find, as well as offers audio examples of each.

Can I Mix with a Limiter on My Output to Preview Mastering?

Using a limiter or other mastering-based processing on your mix’s output to “preview” how it would sound mastered is not a good idea and can be detrimental to its quality. In short, you should not use limiting on your mix’s output to simulate a finished sound.

Although it's become a popular trend, try not to mix with a limiter on the output to "preview mastering."

Although it's become a popular trend, try not to mix with a limiter on the output to "preview mastering."

It’s become popular over recent years to use a limiter on your mix’s output from the start of your mix - the idea being, you can better understand how your mix will sound once it’s made louder.

However, this leads to misinformed decisions more often than not. The reason being, processing your mix with any form of master processing will in turn affect all of the processing that came before it.

Any processing that happens in your mix prior to your stereo output will be altered once your limiter is removed.

Any processing that happens in your mix prior to your stereo output will be altered once your limiter is removed.

Once the limiter, compressor, or whatever other processing being used on the master output is turned off or removed, the timbre and dynamic range of the mix can be greatly affected.

With that in mind, it’s best to work through a mix from start to finish without any form of processing on the master output. Instead, try to make the mix sound as good as it possibly can without the addition of mastering-based processing.

Try to create the best mix you possibly can without the use of limiting.

Try to create the best mix you possibly can without the use of limiting.

Keep in mind that by mixing this way you’re more likely to end up with a better sounding master, as the mix itself will be better.

If you want to check out some plugins you can use to master your music (but not ones to use on your mix’s output) take a look at our video and blog post on the topic:

Top 10 Free Mastering Plugins

We cover the plugin’s functionality and showcase some audio examples of each so you determine which ones would work well for you.

How Loud Should I Make My Mix?

How loud your mix will be depends on the genre, as this will affect how dynamic your mix will be - typically more dynamic mixes are quieter, and less dynamic mixes are louder. Considering your mixes should peak at -3dBTP, the genre and dynamics will affect your mix’s loudness.

In this example, if the dynamic range is only 15dB, and the mix is peaking at -3dBTP, odds are it's going to be loud.

In this example, if the dynamic range is only 15dB, and the mix is peaking at -3dBTP, odds are it's going to be loud.

For example, let’s say you have a pop song that has a dynamic range of 15dB - that is, the quietest part of the song is -18dBTP, and its loudest peak is -3dBTP . This mix will most likely be louder than a classical track with its lowest level at -60dBTP and its loudest at -3dBTP.

The reason being, the majority of the pop song’s signal will be at a louder level than the majority of the classical song’s signal. With that said, it’s difficult to determine an exact metric for how loud your mix should be.

In this example, if the dynamic range is 60dB, and the mix is peaking at -3dBTP, odds are it's going to be quiet.

In this example, if the dynamic range is 60dB, and the mix is peaking at -3dBTP, odds are it's going to be quiet.

But it may help to know thatmost masters have an integrated LUFS of -16 to -9.

With that said, a mix will likely fall somewhere between -25 LUFS and -18 LUFS , but again your mix may vary depending on how dynamic it is.

A mix will likely fall between these measurements, but again it'll depend on the dynamic range of the mix.

A mix will likely fall between these measurements, but again it'll depend on the dynamic range of the mix.

If you stick to having your mix peak at -3dBTP and don’t heavily compress, equalize, or use limiting on your mixes output, a mastering engineer will be able to make your mix the best possible loudness for its genre.

What Settings Should I Use When I Export My Mix?

When exporting a mix that you intend to have mastered, you should export it at the native resolution - in other words, the file should be the same sampling rate and bit depth as the original recording. If the mix session is 48kHz, 24-bit, export it at the same settings.

Export your mix at its native resolution - at its original sampling rate and bit-depth.

Export your mix at its native resolution - at its original sampling rate and bit-depth.

By exporting a mix at its original sampling rate and bit depth, you retain its fidelity. The sampling rate affects the frequency range, and the bit depth affects the dynamic range.

Exporting a mix at its original settings ensures that both the frequency range and dynamic range remain intact.

Exporting a mix at its original settings ensures that both the frequency range and dynamic range remain intact.

By maintaining a higher bit-depth and sampling rate you ensure that neither the frequency range nor the dynamic range becomes truncated.

Should I Use Dithering When Exporting a Mix?

No - because you are using the same bit depth as the original recording, you will not need to use dithering. If you use dithering when exporting a mix, all you’ll be doing is adding unnecessary noise to the recording which will lessen your dynamic range.

Do not use dithering when exporting your mix.

Do not use dithering when exporting your mix.


Preparing a mix for mastering can be a challenging process, but it’s worth taking the time to understand. There are a lot of minute details that need to be considered when preparing and exporting your mix.

Regardless of the genre, preparing your mix for mastering should follow a set of rules.

Regardless of the genre, preparing your mix for mastering should follow a set of rules.

The first is that your loudest peak should be at roughly -3dBTP. This accomplishes 2 things:

Next, know that you should measure your signal in dBTP or dB True Peak. This form of measurement accounts for inter-sample peaking, resulting in a more accurate reading. This way you know exactly how much headroom you’re leaving a mastering engineer.

Next, keep in mind that you should not use any aggressive processing on your master output. This includes:

Using these forms of processing on your mix’s output will make it more difficult for a mastering engineer to create a compelling master.

Furthermore, don’t use a limiter on your output to hear how your mix would sound mastered. If you do, you’ll base your mixing decisions off of processing that may not ever be used.

An incorrectly prepared mix will clip, will be exported at the wrong settings, and will include processing on the master output.

An incorrectly prepared mix will clip, will be exported at the wrong settings, and will include processing on the master output.

That said, the decisions you make and the changes to your mix will be ill-informed.

When it comes to your mix’s loudness, keep in mind that this will vary from genre to genre. If your peak is at -3dBTP, then the loudness will depend heavily on the track's overall dynamic range.

That said, more compressed and less dynamic track will be louder - as may be the case with a pop mix. A less compressed, more dynamic track will be quieter - as may be the case with a classical or jazz mix.

A correctly prepared mix will peak around -3dBTP, will be exported at the correct resolution, and will not include processing on the master output.

A correctly prepared mix will peak around -3dBTP, will be exported at the correct resolution, and will not include processing on the master output.

Lastly, be sure to export your mix at the same bit depth and sampling rate as the original recording - you don’t want to truncate your mix’s dynamic range or it’s frequency response. Because you aren’t lowering the bit depth, you will not need dithering.

But these are just our thoughts on preparing a mix for mastering - if you prepare your mix differently let us know in the comment section of the video embedded above.

Additionally, if you’re looking to have your mix professionally mastered using all analog equipment, send it to us here:

Get a Free Mastered Sample of Your Mix

We’ll master it for you and send you a free sample to review.

How do you prepare your mixes for mastering?

Ready to make your mixes sound 10 times better, 10 times faster...

You're literally one step away from 10 times better sound.

The best part is... it's risk-free, if we can't make your mixes sound 10 times better, you don't pay for it.


Review by Joel S.

If you're looking for great mastering, Sage is where you need to be. I've been working with Sage for years - they do an amazing job and are really easy to work with.

They actually care about your project and want it to sound its best just as much as you do. I'm always excited to get a song or project back from mastering. I've tried many mastering companies, and Sage is by far the best.

If you're serious about your music, it's worth checking them out; you won't be disappointed - they make your mixes sound balanced and professional.

They also offer mixing feedback to help improve your mixes and mixing and mastering education courses to help improve your sound. Shout out to Sage Audio! you can't go wrong - like I said, if you're serious about your music, this is your studio.

Review by April K.

I've been getting my masters done by Sage Audio for the past 4 years now, and I've tried multiple places in my 15 years in the music business. Sage Audio is the only one that has given me the quality I love!

Their mastering membership is an excellent deal for anyone looking for professional mastering and full customer service. Also, I never had an issue with submitting new mix versions for remastering or asking for too many revisions - they have always been very respectful about remastering new mixes and making any adjustments I wanted. I'm staying with Sage, no need to look further! Best masters out there!

Review by Justin G.

Sage Audio is by far the best audio engineering company I've found. I've been with them for 8 years, and it's clear that they set the bar high in regard to mastering services. Their online platform makes it easy to upload tracks and communicate directly with your own dedicated mastering engineer, and their customer service is excellent.

Overall, the sound achieved by Sage Audio engineers is awesome. Their mastering brings out the best in each track - improving clarity, depth, and impact - and they focus on crafting personalized masters that are specific to your needs.

Another thing that sets Sage Audio apart from other mastering services is that the mastering is actually done with your dedicated mastering engineer and not some sort of AI software, and you get full customer service and feedback on your mixes too.

Their commitment to delivering top-tier mastering while maintaining consistent communication shows how much they care about their clients' music. For anyone looking for a personalized online mastering that combines top-level quality with excellent customer service, look no further than Sage Audio.

Review by James T.

The engineers at Sage Audio could not have made my first commercial audio experience any better! Every time I emailed to get a question answered, I worked with the same person consistently.

They know what they are doing; after listening to my masters on numerous systems, I heard my music in a whole new light. My bass and kick were tighter, not muddy, and hit with the "grit" that I intended. My mids and highs were clear, vibrant, and presented well on all stereos and devices.

I could have never achieved this level of quality without their diligent minds and professional know-how! If you are looking to get your project up to a commercial level while meeting a budget, Sage Audio is the place to go!

Review by Rebecca D.

Sage Audio is by far the best mastering service! They are the most professional, kind, and loyal people. Every song they mastered was spot on!

For artists looking to have their music mastered, they have an awesome and affordable mastering membership and are dedicated to making every mix sound like a professional master. Thank you, Sage Audio, for transforming my music!

Review by Daniel S.

The last ten years of my audio mixing career have been plagued by frustration, self-doubt, and compulsive shopping for magic game-changing plugins that can fix my poor mixes... guess what... it was all wasted time and money; I was shooting in the dark.

Until now.

I had heard about Sage Audio a long time ago, but at that time, their pricing seemed too expensive - how wrong I was.

Firstly, there is no substitute for hard work; you must do your part; what this service gave me was perspective - what's different about this master from my own? why? what am I missing? how can I improve my final mixdown in order to get the best possible master?

The included courses are really useful and well explained, but to me, the real power is the community of engineers offering their feedback; there's nothing like a second set of ears, or a lot of sets of ears! Getting other engineers' advice is priceless, and fixing common problems suddenly became very simple.

The best part is that I have made a bunch of mixes on my own now and am starting to get incredibly good responses - my confidence is up, with no additional plugins, no new DAW, not even new monitors.

I've been a Sage Audio member for about 9 months now, and all services are excellent. The 1-on-1 mixing feedback is incredibly helpful, and the professional community is way more active than I could have imagined. I'll be here for the long haul. So, if you're ready to take your music to the next level and change a lot of misconceptions, this is your place!

Review by Thomas E.

I am a musician and songwriter with decent recording skills, but I could never get my final mixes mastered to where the EQ, volume, and clarity sounded good on all playback systems without distortion.

I did extensive research on mastering and tried expensive studio headphones, but I never quite "mastered" mastering. It was very frustrating and took way too much time away from my music.

Then I found Sage Audio, and it sounded like just the service I needed at a reasonable price, so I joined their membership.

It was a game-changing decision. They always respond quickly and are focused on pleasing their customers. They mastered several of my songs, and they all came out perfect.

One of them took three takes because I had to change some levels and panning, but each time, they said, "No problem, we want you to be 100% happy with the final master."

They even asked for ways to improve their service, and they have a unique service where you can upload your mixes and receive feedback directly from them for improvement. I also found in the community, there are great musicians, singers, and songwriters to collaborate with for future projects.

In summary, Sage Audio has saved me a lot of time and provided great masters for my songs, way better than I could have ever done! I give them my highest recommendation.

Review by Frank B.

I've been using Sage Audio for a while now and have been very pleased with their professionalism and quality of work!

I'm NOT new to the audio production world and have been mixing and self-mastering for over a decade. I've used Grammy-winning mastering engineers as well as online AI-driven mastering services, so I know the full range of mastering services available to artists and their producers.

What sets Sage apart, IMO, and, in my experience, is that they are very customer-centric and will do almost anything to make the customer happy with their work. An example is a recent master I wasn't 100% happy with because it was too compressed for Classical material. They jumped right on it, giving me another more gently compressed master, which I'm delighted with. This was a NO EXTRA CHARGE. I know from experience that this isn't the norm in this industry, where egos prevail.

An example of Sage's superior work is when a client I'm working with wanted proof that it was better than a well-known, low-cost AI-driven mastering service. While my instructions to both Sage and the online service were close, only Sage had a human to interpret some of the instructions. As a result, the Sage master was considerably LOUDER and had more HEADROOM to boot. You can't ask for much more for a Pop song.

In summary, I'd recommend Sage to anyone looking for professional mastering for their upcoming release.

Give them a shot. I'm sure you'll be pleased.

Review by Dan Y.

Sage Audio has been a lifesaver for me. Mastering was my weakest point, and I only wish I could've found them sooner. I have used their services for the last 6 months and have also recommended them to several of my musician friends. Every track I send comes back sounding brilliant.

I once experimented by mastering one of my songs by myself, by another leading mastering studio, and also by Sage Audio. Sage's master was hands-down the best: clear, loud, yet dynamic, and the overall sound was smooth. I can say with 100% confidence Sage Audio is the best mastering service around.

It's also a pleasure connecting with their team on a personal level; they are very attentive to details and respond fast.

Review by Irene F.

I found Sage Audio when I was searching for a company that could master my original songs. My initial email was responded to in less than ten minutes. I explained my situation, then created an account and uploaded my mix for mastering.

I let my engineer know what was bothering me in the song and what I would like it to sound like. In a short time, he sent me a notification email to download the master and asked if it was to my liking.

On first listen, it blew me away, as it contained everything I had asked for, and the sound was vibrant, clear, and, quite frankly, perfect. I've been with Sage Audio ever since - they're so easy to work with, friendly, eager to help, and highly professional. I would recommend them to anyone.

Review by Aaron C.

I first used Sage audio 3 years ago to get an album mastered. I hadn't used an outside service for mastering before, so I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I had learned a lot from the Sage Audio YouTube channel and liked the clear, concise way the videos explained various audio principles, so I felt comfortable using their services.

Not only did the masters sound amazing (dynamic, but still as loud as I wanted), but the engineer answered all of my questions and responded to my emails almost immediately.

To add to that, considering all the services you get with the membership is an incredible deal - it Includes mastering, mixing feedback, courses, and community. It's everything you need, and their customer service is top-notch.

As good as their YouTube videos are, I knew this would be a fantastic resource; as a college professor myself, I recognize excellent instruction, and Sage has a knack for breaking down complex processes and demonstrating how plugins work in concise bursts that never overwhelm the learner.

More importantly, you will come to understand when to use the tools in your arsenal and why to do so. You, thus, are learning how to ask better questions of the mastering engineers that you have access to through your membership, and ultimately, you are being empowered to become an engineer yourself!

Review by John G.

I started using Sage Audio to master my songs about three to four years ago - I wish I had found them earlier. Their mastering makes my mixes sound like professional songs, and they're a delight to work with.

Also, they have a very active community of musicians, producers, and engineers, along with mixing and mastering courses - which have provided me with so much useful information. On top of that, the mixing feedback is excellent, and they continually provide thoughtful suggestions, which I've found invaluable for improving my mixes. It's worth checking them out - you will not be disappointed.

Review by Brandon T.

I had Sage Audio master my last 3 albums, and I plan to use them for my next release too. They do an exceptional job of creating balance and clarity for each project, and they are so friendly and helpful when it comes to answering questions and offering suggestions.

Their experience is invaluable, and they have truly insightful feedback when it comes to mixing and mastering. I have tried other companies in the past and came back to Sage to get that professionally polished sound every time.

Review by Ben V.

A few months ago, a friend of mine recommended I try Sage Audio for my final master's. Being a mix engineer myself, I was hesitant at first due to the fact that in the past, when using online mastering, I found that no engineer would care for the track as much as I would.

Knowing the basic rule that you always want to have another set of ears to master anything you've mixed, I realized I had hit a plateau in how far I could take my final master. To my surprise, Sage and the team took my master's to a level I could not reach, both dynamically and sonically.

I'm a full-time artist who is constantly recording, releasing, and traveling. The burden that the Sage team has taken off my shoulders by being a trustworthy mastering service is tremendous.

They have provided me with quick turnarounds while out of the country to meet deadlines for releases and are understanding & receptive when I request changes after hearing a master, even going as far as to follow up with me, confirming that I am 100% happy with the final master, quoting, "I'm not happy unless you're happy."

Another benefit to Sage Audio is their library of mixing and mastering tutorials. Any good sound engineer knows that there are a million ways to reach a rich, dynamic final mix or mastering and that you're never done learning how to engineer. Sage's courses offer a great refresher on fundamentals and a clear understanding of complex techniques to help push you as an engineer.

Cheers Sage, thanks for the excellent service!

Review by Charlie E.

My writing partner and I have recorded and mixed 2 albums and a few singles, the first 2 albums we did were mastered by a different company. The masters were ok, but from that experience, we developed a better and more critical understanding of the mastering process.

Upon preparing to have our 3th album mastered, we did some research and exploration for other mastering options and found Sage Audio - which is where we had our latest album mastered.

We were both very much impressed with the work, the communication, and the willingness to create the exact sound we wanted for the album. We definitely heard a difference in the mastering - Sage Audio masters are clean, clear, and professional.

On top of that, we really enjoyed receiving mixing feedback, which was really helpful for making adjustments to bring the most out of our mixes before sending for mastering. For anyone seeking true audio professionals, I recommend Sage Audio!

Review by Sam V.

Sage Audio mastering engineers are the best I've ever worked with! I've been an Artist, Songwriter & Producer for over 12 years, and believe me, over the years, I've worked with several studios and countless engineers. But since I connected with Sage Audio, those days are over. I took a chance on something new - sent my first mix to see how it would go, and they didn't waste any time lol, they responded the very next day, and the master I got back far exceeded my expectations.

The level of quality and attention to detail was impressive. It was everything & more than what I hoped for, and now I will never trust my mixes in any other hands. They've quickly become my number 1 go-to-guys for mastering, hands down.

Not to mention, they also give you in-depth mixing feedback to help you improve your mixes before sending them for mastering. You can't go wrong with Sage Audio. These guys definitely deserve all the credit in the world. I would strongly recommend them to anyone out there looking for solid professionals to polish your mix. I can personally promise you, Sage Audio will deliver every time!

Review by Ryan B.

I've been using Sage Audio for mastering my tracks over the past year and a half, and they've been great on every front.

If I need a track mastered within a week, they usually get back to me with a high-quality finished master within a few days, and the cost is negligible compared to what some other studios are charging.

They also have an active community, and their mixing feedback option is super helpful; their suggestions are specific, revealing, and accurate.

I highly recommend them if you're a musician, producer, or mixing engineer who needs that last bit of polish before you release. They're worth every penny.



pop / country
Meghan Linsey
Savannah Stewart
county / pop
Cody Belew
pop / rock
pop / indie
Alex Saad
Tyler Cain
pop / soft-rock
Joel Schisler
pop / international
AJ Castillo
Something Distant
pop / rock / indie
The Last Ride
Maudlin Strangers
Chelsea Lankes
Mizer & Goetz (Remix)
Mike Goudreau
pop / electronic
indie / rock
The Gills
Melissa Vanfleet
Marcus Sezabo
Cody Belew
I Am Strikes
pop / country
Meghan Linsey
pop / rock
pop / international
rock / hard-rock
Wendy Icon
Necro & DMC
Brent Perry
April Kry
Guy Franklin
Chris James
All Hands
pop / rock / indie
Kenzie Gregg
Mike Goudreau
Nicolas Giard
Phoenix Music Group
Richard Keller
Terra Lumina
Bear & Cat
pop / jazz / blues
Joel Schisler
electronic / pop
electronic / dubstep
Mad Mikey
The Rhine Tones
Element Of Chaos
Kevin Carter
international / pop
Gilbert Pohan
Justin Garner

Ready to make your mixes sound 10 times better, 10 times faster...

The best part is... it's risk-free, if we can't make your mixes sound 10 times better, you don't pay for it.


Private 1-on-1 mixing feedback directly from us

Custom mastering service tailored to your specific sound

Access to our 23-video structured step-by-step mixing course, including walkthrough sessions for 8 genres, featuring mixing chains with free and paid plugins — Multitracks for mixing practice are included

Access to our 19-video structured step-by-step mastering course, including walkthrough sessions for 8 genres, featuring mixing chains with free and paid plugins — Unmastered mixes for mastering practice are included

Access to the thriving Sage Audio community for discussions and networking

No commitments

If we can't make your mixes sound 10 times better, you don't pay for it, so it's risk-free

What's the Endgame?... You have mixes that sound 10 times better — songs you're proud of that make people say "Wow."

We guarantee 10 times better sound, or you don't pay for it, so it's risk-free. Members get 1-on-1 mixing feedback, mastering service, courses & access to our thriving community. That’s about it.

If you want to transform your mixes from a source of pain and struggle to a source of pleasure and fulfillment, JOIN NOW. The struggle stops now. START NOW